Victor oscard léonard
Holistic health vision
Victor oscard léonard
Holistic health vision

A unique massage therapy experience
A unique massage therapy experience
It is obvious that in 20 years of practice, my way of practicing massage therapy has been personalized and, over time, has been enriched by my many advanced training courses. I practice Swedish massage, relaxation and therapy and, of course, each time in a different way to meet the specific needs of each client. Each of my treatments is unique because each condition to be treated is unique.

Sonotherapy allows the relief of suffering in complementary care technique, and the alleviation of symptoms in the treatment of joint and muscle pain, digestive disorders, migraines, tinnitus, rheumatism, fibromyalgia, sleep disorders, stress, anxiety, phobias, syndrome depression, support for the dying ... Medicine today uses sounds in lithotripsy (use of shock wave ultrasound to dissolve kidney stones) and in diagnostic imaging using ultrasound (ultrasound scanner). Medicine and patients appreciate these non-invasive techniques.
A scientific principle explains how strictly sound, non-chemical drugs can relieve suffering: this is the principle of resonance, illustrated by the law known as "sympathetic vibration". Illness and pain, which correspond to frequencies, appear when the body loses its harmony frequency. In summary, the application of rebalance frequencies allows you to find the lost harmony.
Contact us
Contact us
1463 Chestnut St
Telkwa, BC
V0J 2X0
Business hours
Business hours
Mon-Fri : 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Sat: closed
Sun: Closed
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